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Rules School

Rule changes and points of emphasis highlighted in NFL training camp video

he NFL has posted the video shown to the players at training camps explaining the rules changes and points of emphasis for 2015. Download the 8½-minute video here.




The NFL has posted the video shown to the players at training camps explaining the rules changes and points of emphasis for 2015. You can download the 8½-minute video here.

A quick summary of the rule changes:

  • Point-after touchdown conversions will snap from the 15 for a kick and the 2 for a run or pass
  • The defense may recover and score on a point-after-touchdown attempt.
  • Clock errors at the expiration of the half greater than 1 second are reviewable with limitations
  • Pushing into the line on a punt is illegal just as on a field goal or extra-point kick
  • A receiver is in a defenseless posture from hits to the head/neck immediately following an interception
  • Chop block exceptions for H-backs and tight ends removed
  • Linebackers can be numbered 40-49
  • Players reporting ineligible must be in tight formation where a lineman ordinarily would be
  • Independent certified athletic trainers (ATC) may call for an injury timeout if a player exhibits concussion symptoms
  • Retractable roofs may be opened at halftime if certain weather conditions are met (2015 season only)


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