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4 replay booth vacancies to be filled in 2020 season



Some change-up in the replay booth this offseason has resulted in four new openings in the replay tandem of replay official-replay assistant. Replay officials Jim Lapetina, Darryll Lewis, and Tom Sifferman, the latter two former NFL on-field officials, will not return to the replay booth this season. Replay official Earnie Frantz, also a former NFL on-field official, is also leaving the replay booth but will remain with the NFL in some capacity this season.

As a result of these openings, the NFL has promoted four replay assistants to the replay official position, as well as hired four new replay assistants. Replay assistants Tyler Cerimeli, Saleem Choudhry, Jamie Nicholson, and Kevin Stine have been promoted to the replay official position. Choudhry was promoted mid-season last year to replace the outgoing Jim Lapetina.

Randy Campbell, Denise Crudup, Gerald Frye, and Bob Hubbell have been hired as new replay assistants for the 2020 season as part of the ongoing replay official-assistant tandem to replace the assistants who were promoted. Crudup joins down judge Sarah Thomas, replay official Terri Valenti, and replay assistant Yvonda Lewis as the fourth woman to be assigned to an NFL officiating crew.

Promoted to replay official

    2020 crew College Occupation
RO Tyler Cerimeli Hochuli Arizona State warranty processor
RO Saleem Choudhry Torbert Baldwin-Wallace museum executive
RO Jamie Nicholson Hussey Ferris State teacher
RO Kevin Stine Wrolstad Alabama-Birmingham regional sales manager

New replay assistants

    2020 crew College Occupation
RA Randy Campbell Allen Kansas State oil and gas owner
RA Denise Crudup Hussey Wilmington accounts payable analyst
RA Gerald Frye Kemp Gannon veterinarian
RA Bob Hubbell Martin Texas A&M steel sales

Cover image: Cameron Filipe/Football Zebras photo

Cam Filipe is a forensic scientist and has been involved in football officiating for 12 years. Cam is in his fourth season as a high school football official. This is his ninth season covering NFL officiating for Football Zebras.

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