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2022 Pro Bowl

Tony Corrente is the referee for the 2022 Pro Bowl

Tony Corrente will be the referee for this year’s Pro Bowl in Las Vegas.



Tony Corrente will be the referee for this year’s Pro Bowl in Las Vegas. Corrente, field judges Steve Zimmer and Scott Edwards, and replay official John McGrath will be working the final game of their careers, as they are among the confirmed list of officials retiring at the conclusion of this season.

Yrs2021 crewCollegeOccupation
R99Tony Corrente 27 Cal State-Fullertonformer college officiating coordinator, retired educator
U102Bruce Stritesky16AllenEmbry Riddleairline pilot
DJ63Mike Carr5KempWisconsinathletic director
LJ37Tripp Sutter3WrolstadNebraskabiopharmaceutical rep
FJ22Steve Zimmer 25BogerHofstraattorney
SJ5Jim Quirk12HillMiddleburyfinancial advisor
BJ61Keith Ferguson22HillSan Jose Statesales
ALT3Scott Edwards 23BlakemanAlabamaenvironmental engineer
RO John McGrath 5CorrenteKentuckyretired NFL official (HL, 15 seasons)
RA Artenzia Young-Seigler2CorrentePaul Quinn Collegecollege professor

retiring officials.

The game observers, who are not confirmed at this point, but typically include two members of the officiating department as well as an unnamed assistant coach, will monitor the formations and the coverages for unsportsmanlike conduct. In the Pro Bowl, there are only simple formations and coverage packages allowed.

And — in the words of the venerable Ed Hochuli — yes, there are penalties in the Pro Bowl.

Cam Filipe is a forensic scientist and has been involved in football officiating for 12 years. Cam is in his fourth season as a high school football official. This is his ninth season covering NFL officiating for Football Zebras.

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