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2022 Divisional Playoffs

Hochuli, Blakeman, Cheffers, and Vinovich are Divisional Playoff referees

Football Zebras has learned the officials assigned to the Divisional Playoffs.



Football Zebras learned the referees assigned for the Divisional Playoffs and we are working to confirm the full crews.

Five alternates are assigned to each game: a referee, an umpire, a line of scrimmage official (down judge or line judge), a deep wing official (field judge or side judge), and a back judge.

The prior playoff experience that is listed for the crew chief includes his service as an NFL official, including as referee and any other crew position (excluding alternate assignments). Also of note, the eventual Super Bowl officials are on the field for this weekend’s games, but not all are from the same crew.

All times are Eastern. Scheduled assignments are subject to change.

Saturday, Jan. 21

AFC Divisional: Jaguars at Chiefs, 4:30 p.m. NBC Peacock

Shawn Hochuli is the referee, who is in his 9th season and 5th as referee. This is Hochuli’s 7th postseason assignment, including a Wild Card Playoff and 6 Divisional Playoffs.

Yrs2022 crewCollegeOccupation
R83Shawn Hochuli9 Claremontfinancial advisor
U121Paul King14ClarkNichols Collegeteacher
DJ113Danny Short6KempNorth Carolina-Charlotteexecutive director, global sales operations
LJ98Greg Bradley14HochuliTennesseechemical engineer
FJ43Terry Brown17BlakemanTennesseecourt director
SJ125Chad Hill5HochuliMississippimedical sales
BJ78Greg Meyer21ClarkTexas Christianbanker
ROTyler Cerimeli5HochuliArizona Statehigh school officials coordinator
RAMark Bitar3HochuliSeton Hallteacher
ALTRBrad Allen9 Pembroke Statenon-profit CEO
ALTUTab Slaughter3BlakemanArkansas Statechief operating officer
ALTDJPatrick Holt4HochuliNorth Carolina StateIT manager
ALTFJAnthony Flemming3HochuliTexas A&M-Commercesenior auditor
ALTBJTony Josselyn5TorbertEastern Kentuckyprobation officer

NFC Divisional: Giants at Eagles, 8:15 p.m. Fox

Clete Blakeman is the referee, who is in his 15th season and 13th as referee. This is Blakeman’s 13th postseason assignment, including 4 Wild Card Playoffs, 5 Divisional Playoffs, 3 Conference Championships, and Super Bowl 50.

Yrs2022 crewCollegeOccupation
R34Clete Blakeman15 Nebraskaattorney
U124Carl Paganelli23RogersMichigan Stateretired federal probation officer
DJ6Jerod Phillips7MartinNortheastern Stateelementary school teacher
LJ65Walt Coleman IV8NovakSouthern Methodistportfolio manager
FJ33Nate Jones4CheffersRutgersfirefighter/EMT
SJ103Eugene Hall9CheffersNorth Texasfederal agent
BJ46Perry Paganelli25BlakemanHope Collegeretired high school administrator
ROChad Adams5BlakemanCincinnatioperations
RAKen Hall2Blakeman
ALTRCraig Wrolstad20 Washingtonathletic director
ALTUSteve Woods6WrolstadWabashfinancial advisor
ALTLJJeff Seeman21CheffersMinnesotabrokerage sales
ALTSJAllen Baynes15HusseyAuburnrealtor
ALTBJScott Helverson20KempIowasales, printing and promotions

Sunday, Jan. 22

AFC Divisional: Bengals at Bills, 3:00 p.m. CBS PARA+

Carl Cheffers is the referee, who is in his 23rd season and 15th as referee. This is Cheffers’s 17th postseason assignment, including 5 Wild Card Playoffs, 7 Divisional Playoffs, 3 Conference Championships, and Super Bowls LI and LV. Both of his Super Bowl assignments were as a referee.

Yrs2022 crewCollegeOccupation
R51Carl Cheffers23 California-Irvinesales manager
U81Roy Ellison20HillSavannah StateIT engineer
DJ24David Oliver6HillBakerinformation systems manager
LJ32Jeff Bergman30KempRobert Morrispresident and chief executive officer, medical services
FJ117John Jenkins9KempSt. Mary’ssales executive
SJ36Anthony Jeffries5RogersAlabama-Birminghammedical sales
BJ105Dino Paganelli17SmithAquinas Collegeeducator
ROKevin Brown4CheffersPurdueretired air traffic controller
RALarry Hanson3AllenCalifornia-San Diegohealth and safety
ALTRAlex Kemp9 Central Michiganinsurance agent
ALTUTony Michalek21BlakeIndianachief executive officer
ALTLJTom Eaton3RogersCentral Floridafiscal manager
ALTFJTom Hill24BlakeCarson Newmanretired teacher/coach
ALTBJTerrence Miles15NovakArizona Statequality control manager

NFC Divisional: Cowboys at 49ers, 6:40 p.m. Fox

Bill Vinovich is the referee, who is in his 17th season and 14th as referee. This is his 17th postseason assignment, including 3 Wild Card Playoffs, 6 Divisional Playoffs, 6 Conference Championships, and Super Bowls XLIX and LIV. Both of his Super Bowl assignments were as a referee.

Yrs2022 crewCollegeOccupation
R52Bill Vinovich17 San Diegocertified public accountant
U92Bryan Neale9SmithIndianasales consultant
DJ28Mark Hittner26SmithPittsburg Stateinvestment broker
LJ59Rusty Baynes13BogerAuburn-Montgomerygeneral manager, safety services
FJ15Rick Patterson27AllenWoffordbanker
SJ58Don Willard5BlakeIllinois Statephysical therapist
BJ88Brad Freeman9HusseyMississippi Statesports park director
ROMark Butterworth6VinovichWalshnon-profit COO
RARAGerald Frye3TorbertGannonveterinarian
ALTRShawn Smith8 Ferris Statefinance
ALTUFred Bryan14MartinNorthern Iowasuperintendent, juvenile correctional facility
ALTLJMark Perlman22VinovichSalemteacher
ALTFJJabir Walker8HusseyMurray Statemiddle school teacher
ALTBJGreg Yette13AllenHowarddefense contractor

Cam Filipe is a forensic scientist and has been involved in football officiating for 12 years. Cam is in his fourth season as a high school football official. This is his ninth season covering NFL officiating for Football Zebras.

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