View image | Football Zebras exclusive The NFL has promoted veteran line judge John Hussey (number 35) to be a referee beginning in the 2015...
Bill Leavy, an official in the NFL since 1995, wearing number 127, is stepping aside after 20 years to take a regional supervisor position, where he...
John Keck, a 25-year NFL officiating veteran passed away on May 6 from complications of Alzheimer's disease. He was 83. Keck wore number 67 and was...
The Pacific-12 Conference has hired NFL director of officiating David Coleman as its vice president of officiating — a newly created position for the college conference. ...
Nine new officials are set to make their NFLÂ debut this season, including the first permanent female official and the son of a veteran white hat....
Extra point rule changes are a solution in search of a problem Commentary by Mark Schultz At the recently concluded NFL Competition Committee meetings, the committee...
Below are the proposals under consideration by the owners at the 2015 Annual Meeting, shown with the disposition of each proposal. (See our projected votes.) Rule...
The Competition Committee and the teams have submitted 23 rules proposals for the 2015 season -- surprisingly, 13 of them involve replay. Which ones realistically have...
The Competition Committee released the list of rules modifications being submitted to the ownership for a vote at next week’s Owners Meetings. Proposals may be made...
View image | Commentary by Mark Schultz We are coming up on a critical few weeks in the NFL as vice president for officiating, Dean...
View image | Former NFL referee still giving them the business at age 90 February 1, 2015 was a big day for former AFL and...
Coverage of the calls in Super Bowl XLIX. Yrs 2014 crew College Occupation R 52 Bill Vinovich 10 Vinovich San Diego accountant, former NFL officiating supervisor...
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For player safety and exhibition purposes, there are restrictions on formations, pass coverage, and rushing the quarterback or kicker.
View image | Veteran official retiring “on my own terms” Tom Stabile, whose NFL career spanned 20 years and includes a Super Bowl assignment, will...
John Parry will lead this year’s officiating crew at the Pro Bowl in Glendale, Ariz., the second time it has been played on the mainland, since...
View image | Referee Pete Morelli will be presented with the annual Art McNally award at this Sunday’s Pro Bowl. The Art McNally Award is...
Football Zebras reported in September that referee Tony Corrente was originally scheduled for the Fail Mary game — the infamous 2012 Monday Night Football game between...
View image | 2014 final replay statistics The replay reversal rate crashed this year, based largely on the interventionist role vice president of officiating Dean...
The Divisional Playoff assignments give insight into who is likely to be this year's Super Bowl referee.