In 1979, the NFL adopted a radical new way to number its officials. While a good idea on paper, it didn't work.
The list of the 17 crews and swing officials for the 2019 NFL season.
Two rookie NFL officials, one member of the Officiating Development Program and one veteran NFL official have been working north this summer to call Canadian Football...
Over the past week, the Officiating Department has taken part in conference calls with the head coaches from each team in order to receive input on...
Items under consideration by the owners at their 2019 Spring Meeting in Key Biscane, Fla.
NFL owners gave authority to the Competition Committee to revise the rule it passed in March allowing offensive and defensive pass interference to be subject to...
Carl Paganelli Sr., a highly respected college and pro official, an officiating administrator, and a mentor, has died at the age of 82. You never saw...
The NFL officiating season has begun, the NFL Network interviewed former pro players and rookie officials Nate Jones and Terry Killens. They and Al Riveron, senior...
As of now, officials are now "in season" as preparation begins for the centennial season.
The NFL Referees Association recently honored retired umpire Ron Botchan with the 2019 Honoree Award. The award recognizes an official for on-field accomplishments and support of...