A look at the new blindside block rule for 2019, with video.
With this expansion in the contributor category, there is another opportunity for former head of officiating Art McNally to receive a nomination.
Centralized replay to take a more active role in reviewing fights and flagrant fouls for a potential ejection.
Nine months after the Pac-12 lost officiating credibility, an auditing firm releases its findings.
The 100th season in NFL history begins Aug. 1, just three miles from the location of the first league meeting at a Hupmobile dealership in downtown...
Former referee Bill Leavy has been awarded the 2019 Art McNally Award.
At this weekend's officiating clinic, senior vice president of officiating Al Riveron affirmed that pass interference-related calls will only be reversed in replay if the evidence...
The NFL has backed away from its full-time officiating program, according to ESPN’s Kevin Seifert. Citing multiple sources, Seifert says that negotiations between the league and...
The annual officiating clinic in Dallas begins today, where the 122 NFL officials will gather to prepare for the upcoming season.
Banks Boothe Williams, 1932-2019 Banks Williams, an NFL back judge (the position name is now the field judge) from 1978 to 1994 passed away in April...