1st & 25 Podcast
Episode 6: Examination of a crucial blocked field goal
Was the Giants blocked field goal legal?

In our latest episode of the 1st & 25 podcast, Ben Austro, Cam Filipe, and Patrick Weber discuss all of the moving parts of the Giants blocked field goal that deprived the Seahawks attempt to tie the game.
Additionally, we take a look at the rise in “finger gun” celebration fouls and how officials handle a brawl.
Mentioned in this episode
- Video of the Giants field goal block
- Video of the pull-and-shoot technique we spotlighted two weeks ago
- Ben mentioned repeated fouls to deny a score as a palpably unfair act. The play referenced was last year’s Texans-Panthers game, which is described here with video
- Patrick mentioned the video by Steve Shaw, the college officiating head, on unsportsmanlike gestures
- Video of the post-score brawl in the Panthers-Bears game

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October 8, 2024 at 2:25 pm
I think the NFL needs to revisit the end zone celebration rule until these players get their heads on straight and not start the extracurricular garbage. Either that or start doling out game suspensions like the colleges do (60 full minutes of playing time).